After investigating a home invasion with no sign of entry, Minogue and O’Leary arrest an invisible entity and bring it in for questioning

Move along, there’s nothing to see here – literally! The New Zealand-set fly-on-the-wall comedy copumentary returns with a hilarious half hour of invisible mayhem. Through luck rather then competence, officers Minogue and O’Leary taser the invisible crook and bring it in for questioning.

Essentially an exercise in physical comedy, the cast twist themselves in knots, pretending to be assaulted by the creature (it’s a tentacle thing). Constable Parker gets some of the creatures blood on him and becomes invisible himself, and naturally the first thing he does is to strip naked. And the resolution to the story isn’t quite how you’d imagine it would be… I’ll leave it at that.

Verdict. A strong opener to the new season, Wellington Paranormal is showing no signs of formula fatigue. 8/10

Nick Joy-