Counter-Measures’ assistance is required when a Spanish scientist blows himself up in his laboratory…

A little late catching up with the most recent set of adventures for the Counter-Measures team but they’re always a great pleasure to spend time with. The initial characterisations by Ben Aaronovitch for Remembrance of the Daleks have been considerably expanded over the various box sets and guest appearances in the last decade, but despite their many adventures – and time spent off the grid – they remain representatives of a very 1960s British tradition… albeit that their stories are now set in the 1970s, with package holidays and dodgily-built hotels a key part of this story.

Roland Moore’s opener throws in a few Doctor Who continuity references (listen out for the announcements at the airport) and the story feels contemporary with the Jon Pertwee period. However we’re much more in ITC territory, with cloned antagonists and perilous escapes. There’s perhaps a little too much reliance on dialogue describing what’s happening on occasion but there’s also good use of the lack of visual element to the storytelling.

Verdict: A welcome return for the team. 8/10

Paul Simpson