Starfleet must once again call on legendary Jean-Luc Picard after members of his former crew discover an anomaly in space that threatens the galaxy.

It’s been two years since Picard and the crew of La Sirena saved the universe and went their separate ways (two years in our world). Picard is chancellor of Starfleet, while others are serving on various starships (no spoilers here). There’s a peace, but Jean-Luc is still reflecting on the sacrifices he’s made for his career. Is it too late for love, and might he have taken another path? But then a spatial anomaly appears, pleasing to make contact with Picard. They say that they want to join Starfleet, but can they be trusted.

It’s tricky not to say much more, as the show is unfolding at a pace slower than what’s already been revealed in the season trailer. Legacy characters make welcome appearances, but I’ll leave them for you to discover. The script by Akiva Goldsman and Terry Matalas spends considerable time in reestablishing where everyone’s at, and there’s plenty of knowing nods and Easter eggs for TNG fans – who might have an establishment at 10, Forward Street?

The cast all return from Season 1, though one senses that Isa Briones will have less to do as Suji. The others have all been recognised for their efforts, being promoted into new roles, and it’s encouraging to see their progress. As this is a ten-episode season arc, we’re only just getting in to the main story, but as someone who thoroughly enjoyed the first season, I’m already on board with this run. Some might struggle with seeing the frailties of their hero, and he certainly continues to make mistakes with big consequences, but Patrick Stewart has a passion for the material and is a strong lead presence.

Verdict: A welcome return to the live action TNG-era show, setting up a high concept season they showcases a different view of the Trek universe. 8/10

Nick Joy