Lynn works with Jennifer on a way of dealing with her condition. Tobias returns and is told to bring Black Lightning to the ASA. Khalil is revealed to be the first subject of the ASA enhancement tests. And all hell breaks loose at the school.

This is another episode which cleverly balances individual character beats with big plot developments. One of the biggest is the phrase that seems to have a very odd effect on Lala, suggesting his resurrection and powers are a known quantity and one that can be controlled. One of the others is the very different ways Lynn and Jefferson approach their children’s powers and the rift that places between them. Contrasted with the sweet, funny booty call at the top of the episode that gives their relationship some ethical depth and shows us that the old problems, the ones that ended their marriage are still very much there.

This is all great stuff. What’s weird though is how the episode, when it delivers the biggest action scene of the season, falters a little. It’s not much at all, and most of what we see is still vastly impressive. The nicely ugly slugfest between Jefferson and Tobias is especially well handled as is Khalil’s new found lease on life.

Syonide and Thunder doing increasingly cheesecaky gymnastic kung fu with added bra action? Not so much.

That isn’t to say the scene doesn’t serve a purpose or tell a story; it does. It shows that Anissa is just as much of a powerhouse as her dad, if not more so. It also marks a vital moment in the show; the first time someone realises she breathes in to trigger her abilities and takes advantage of it. However, that aside it’s just kind of… there. In a way nothing else has been. Syonide isn’t a character so much as a good pair of shoes at the moment so there’s an element of this being a sideboss fight the show is required to have rather than needs. Throw in the slightly too impressive martial arts and the random bra moments and you’ve got the first ‘huh’ moment in very nearly the entire season.

Thankfully the rest of the episode makes up for it. All new all evil Khalil is genuinely unsettling and Jennifer’s powers being used to save the day is a great idea. Likewise Anissa being bulletproof and instinctively using that to protect her dad. Plus it’s fun to see Tobias back and working with the ASA.

Verdict: A very good set up for the final act which could have been a great one, this is still another strong entry for the series. 7/10

Alasdair Stuart