The War Doctor explains to Case how they arrived on Tharius…

Jonathan Morris is a good choice of writer for this conclusion to the Warbringer set for the War Doctor – he’s got form with stories that twist in on themselves and this one definitely has plenty of twists. We might think that we know by now who and what Case is, and how they all ended up on Tharius, but there’s a considerable amount – not to mention a key character – that we haven’t learned about. While of course there’s a certain lack of surprise as to who survives, that applies across the board to any Big Finish story to a certain extent – it’s the how that’s important.

I’m hoping that we may hear some more of Timothy Hofmeier’s Lance Corporal Albert Brown, very much not the sort of person who you’d anticipate running into on a Dalek Harvester, and his interplay with Beth Chalmer’s Veklin and Jonathon Carley’s Doctor sparkles. One of the whole points of this range is showing how the Doctor, who has spent millennia reacting in one way to situations, now has to reset his entire moral compass yet still be able to live with himself, and his relationship with Albert and indeed Case are indicative of that.

Verdict: Despite listening to this over an extended nearly three month period, the strength of the storytelling has made it one of my favourite releases of recent times. 9/10

Paul Simpson

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