Zachary Cross Flane is summoned to the opening of the late Empress’ library…

At the time that Shaun Parkes played Zachary Cross Flane – for the Impossible Planet two-parter during David Tennant’s first season – Torchwood was rather more nebulous than it’s become, and the idea that Torchwood could still be kicking around in the far future wasn’t as odd an idea as it’s become. But Torchwood serves the Empire – and that part of its function hasn’t changed.

James Goss’ introduction of Flane to the Torchwood series proper feels to an extent like a pilot for a new spin-off, much as Torchwood Soho has very successfully gone its own way in recent months. Parkes’ Flane and Amanda Shodeko’s Chloe make a very good team with the repartee between them some of the strongest on the range – I’d be very interested in hearing other of their adventures.

This time around they’re dealing with a new Emperor, Merdiven played by Mateo Oxley, who’s determined to pick up the pieces left by the last Empress… but who isn’t at all sure that he’s going to survive long enough to do so. It’s something of a bravura performance for reasons that become clear, and the presence of reminders of his mother (played by Chandrika Chevil) really don’t help.

It’s a very different sort of Torchwood story in one way, but the series’ DNA is there, in the manipulation by all parties of each other, and the bittersweet nature of some of the necessary resolutions.

Verdict: Some things never change – a new backdrop, but familiar moves. 8/10

Paul Simpson

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