It’s an inauspicious beginning for Bambera and her new scientific adviser…

There’s a certain tone of voice we’ve got used to hearing in the extras on Big Finish releases over the past 20 years – that slight “pinch me” quality that can be detected in actors and writers (and whisper it softly, even producers!) when they talk about working with some of the idols of their youth. And there’s something rather lovely about hearing that same tone now from the creators of this 1990s UNIT series – this is the show that they wanted to have grown up with, that wasn’t there because the series had gone off air, and Angela Bruce’s Bambera is the epitome of a character whose bright future in the TV show was snuffed out but they can now be part of bringing back to life.

That can be clearly heard in the interview with the writer of this story, Alison Winter, who starts us off with what could be the pre-credits of an Avengers episode but gives it a UNIT twist. It’s an introductory story for Yemisi Oyinloye’s Dr Louise Rix and we immediately have someone quite different from the Doctors – or indeed the other scientific advisers we’ve met over the years. The relationship between her, Bambera and a poetry-quoting Savarin promises to be suitably spiky – although there’s the risk it could play out as a reworking of the Brig and the third Doctor.

As to the plot, it’s an enjoyable riff on the ideas of genetic engineering (and actually does stay well within the Avengers feel of the opening scene) with UNIT fulfilling a similar remit to its season 7 forebears. There’s one moment that does rather scream ‘Listen Carefully, this is Foreshadowing!’ but overall it’s another good solid romp.

Verdict: The third part of our new UNIT trio is now in place – and there’s plenty for them to make a buzz about. 8/10

Paul Simpson

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