Bo is bribed into helping a Dark Fae discover who has ripped him off.

Although this episode takes a bit of time to get going – the sex scenes between Bo and Dyson seem to be starting to get used as time-filler – by the end, the overarching plot has taken a major step forward, as we and Bo learn more about her mother.

We also meet a very different type of oracle – a surprise, but totally in keeping with this show’s slightly out of kilter way of presenting archetypes of myth and legend. Leaving the Dark Fae crimelord owing Bo a favour is also a smart move: we need to see more of the worlds that she’s meant to be choosing between, rather than just the inhabitants of the bar.

There’s also some development for Kenzi, as she starts to find her own niche, rather than simply being the annoying sidekick. It was a little inevitable that she’d end up tied up in the trunk of the car when she was following the bad guys (shades of Mary Goodnight in The Man With The Golden Gun) but at least that particular plot development is used to forward the Dyson/Kenzi relationship.

Verdict: Some nice moments in an entertaining episode.  6/10

Paul Simpson

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