by Glenn Dakin

Eaglemoss, out now

A way to live your life as suggested by the example of a certain Vulcan science officer…

Having edited a few of these books over the years, there’s always an inherent problem with doing something new, as the core precepts remain the same, no matter how they’re presented. Glenn Dakin – whose very different book on Star Trek Cocktails came out simultaneously with this – demonstrates his knowledge of Star Trek, and in particular the original series (although there are others referenced), to provide examples that you won’t necessarily find in the standard books, even if a lot may feel familiar.

There are plenty of specific examples from episodes as well as some “borrowing” of other cultures and retelling the stories through the prism of a Vulcan (my favourite being the Winston Churchill / Nancy Astor exchange about drinking poison), and the sources are credited at the back. So are the episode quotes – although oddly (and this is something that is irritating) no credit is given to the writer of the quote, although D.C. Fontana does share the dedication at the end. Full marks also to Dakin for his final quote in the book.

Verdict: It may not change your life, but its use of Star Trek and Spock may be a way of speaking to the Trek fan in your life. 7/10

Paul Simpson

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