Zephon, son of Zephon, has plans for the Doctor…

Listening to this enjoyable story from Guy Adams, you do have to wonder if Jon Culshaw made a deal whereby he was paid every time he wrapped his lips around the word Zephon. I’m not sure any proper name has had as much use in a Doctor Who audio before (or at least, one that relates to the villain of the piece – even Davros isn’t so bold), and it makes up for all the pussyfooting around in the first part.

Being slightly more serious, this is an effective conclusion to the final story of the previous set, cutting the ground out from beneath audience expectations of both the heroes and villains. The threat posed by the Syndicate feels considerably more serious now than it has done, and it’s the right time for us to learn rather more about WPC Ann Kelso – as with most Big Finish-originated companions, there’s far more to her than meets the eye (although if she turns out to be either a fresh incarnation of Charley Pollard and/or River Song, there’ll be trouble!).

Verdict: Twists and turns add new dimensions to this Tom Baker season. 9/10

Paul Simpson