A fragile alliance is forged between the rebels and the President…

Steve Lyons’ contribution to this final set begins in media res – which adds a definite edge to proceedings that telling the story linearly would lack. Who’s telling the truth about what came before – and how much is bluff? We’re not really sure as to all the answers until the very end of the episode – with Hugh Fraser’s President revealing that he’s a real match for the much-missed Servalan… You don’t get to the pinnacle of the Federation without the abilities on display here after all.

John Green as Mordekain and Stephen Pacey’s Tarrant are at the heart of the conflict here, and the characters’ shared history looms large over the choices that they both are forced to make. Lyons makes the story feel full cast – we may not hear everyone but their actions are intrinsic to the plot – and because of the uncertainty, the twists of the plot feel more visceral.

Simon Power’s sound design and music really help envelop the listener in the somewhat claustrophobic environment, and director John Ainsworth doesn’t let the pace flag – even as some of the characters are injured!

Verdict: A very dramatic addition to the saga. 9/10

Paul Simpson

Click here to order Restoration volume 3 from Big Finish