Steed and Tara investigate a stormy problem…

Phil Mulryne takes on the writing duties for this adaptation of the 1970 TV Comic strip – which actually was the immediate predecessor to It’s a Wild Wild Wild Wild West. Once again the original was drawn by John Canning, and from the online archive, it seems that Mulryne has also followed the plot pretty closely even if he’s altered some of the details for better dramatic effect – and to allow Emily Woodward to give Tara rather more agency than it seems she had originally. It’s a story that may also ring some bells with those who experienced the 1998 Ralph Fiennes/Uma Thurman big screen version of the series – although luckily this story’s villain doesn’t have giant teddy bears at his disposal!

There’s rather more for Christopher Benjamin’s Mother to do, and nice to hear reference to his assistant Rhonda, who, true to form, says nothing. (This is of course the moment for Big Finish to maintain that they have a supersecret, high profile actor playing Rhonda…) Julian Wadham and Emily Woodward continue to provide plenty of entertainment as Steed and Tara with David Sibley, James Joyce and Leighton Pugh making strong friends and foes. Ken Bentley keeps a steady hand, never allowing the insanity of the situations to overwhelm the drama, with Steve Foxon’s sound design, aided by Jamie Robertson’s score, rising to the challenges.

Verdict: The Avengers in fine fettle. 8/10

Paul Simpson