suicide-squad-exteMore of the Worst. Heroes. Ever.

Warner Bros., out now

It’s fair to say that Suicide Squad did not arrive to a rapturously warm reception earlier this year (read Nick Joy’s review of it here – everything in there applies to the new edition as well), but it was well known that there were multiple (some say up to nine) different cuts of the film created before the final decision was made to go with the version that hit cinemas then. In what may be the continuation of a trend for DC movies, it’s now been released in an extended edition. But whereas the longer Batman vs Superman definitely made the film more palatable, this new Suicide Squad seems to simply show the fault lines more.

The key elements that have been added are flashback sequences – notably featuring Jared Leto’s Joker and Margot Robbie’s Harley, before she went off the deep end (literally). How you feel about more of Leto’s unusual take on the Joker is likely to affect your decision whether to look at this – those who saw the original commented that at least one of the previously existing flashbacks made far more sense in the new context.

What I found most frustrating about this was seeing the movie that could have been – there are flashes of strong character moments, and a sense of threat, but tonally what’s on screen is all over the place. Robbie’s Harley continues to be by far the most interesting of the characters featured, and it’s no real surprise that she’s getting her own spin-off movie (with Robbie having some creative control which I suspect will improve things no end). The gag reel on the Blu-ray shows so many scenes and portions of dialogue (albeit mucked up) that didn’t make the final cut which you get the overwhelming feeling should have done. The blu-ray package comes with a good selection of behind the scenes featurettes.

It feels on a par with one of the Marvel second string movies of recent times (Ghost Rider, or its sequel perhaps), but with the shedload of money thrown at it, and the talent on screen, it could, and should, have been so much more.

Verdict: It’s not the comedy movie the trailer promised, but nor is it as overwhelmingly dark as some of the earlier DC films. 6/10

Paul Simpson

Suicide Squad Extended Cut is available now on Digital Download and 4K, Blu-ray™ 3D, Blu-ray™