After Moll and the Breen capture the mysterious structure that contains the Progenitors’ power, Burnham must lead a covert mission to retrieve it before the Breen figure out how to use it. 

It’s always nice to see Jonathan Frakes listed as director on an episode of Star Trek – he’s a steady pair of hands with an excellent understanding of how to helm the show. And he does a great job here with building up the tension in the penultimate episode of Discovery’s final season.

With rival Breen Primarchs (and associated armadas of ships) ready to converge on Moll’s renegade faction, the need to recover the Progenitor tech has never been more pressing. Burnham and co have to find a way to breach the ship’s shields, grab the tech and get away as soon as possible. They put together a smart plan, utilising the old ‘there’s always an exhaust port to get in’ approach and launch their sortie.

While two teams in full Breen disguise make their way onto the enemy vessel, Saru volunteers for what could be a suicide mission. It’s a fun hour, with the whole team acting in synchronicity, aided by some impressive VFX and a score that has the occasional echo of Michael Giacchino’s Star Trek movie scores.

Verdict: A rousing lead-up to Discovery’s last ever episode, guided by the expert hand of a former Number One. 8/10

Nick Joy