Starring Annie Hardy, Amar Chadha-Pate, Angela Enahoro

Directed by Rob Savage

Momentum, out now

Two friends embark on a horror-fuelled road trip and livestream the most terrifying night of their lives.

Rob Savage follows up his Zoom horror movie Host with another lean (77 minutes) COVID-set shocker, but boasting such an appalling lead character that you really couldn’t care less about their plight.

Annie (Annie Hardy) is the American host of BandCar, ‘the internet’s #1 live improvised music show broadcast from a moving vehicle’. An opinionated anti-vaxxer, she spends her life feuding streets and offending people. She then travels to the UK to hook up with ex-band mate Stretch (Amar Chadha-Pate), which soon turns sour. After falling out with Stretch’s partner and stealing his car, Annie takes on a job to transport a mysterious woman… big mistake.

The night then descends into chaos, all seen through the lens of a dashcam or headcam, content continually streaming to a live feed, with associated comments scrolling up the side of the screen. It’s an interesting variation on the found footage concept but Annie is just an awful person. Packing her MAGA cap, she’s a foul-mouthed monster with no respect for anyone or anything. She’s far worse than any supernatural beast that she comes across, sucking any tension off the screen.

Verdict: Technically interesting and feels like you’re rubbernecking at a car crash, but good luck in not wanting to throttle the lead. 5/10

Nick Joy