eve-3-3Michael Hoffman and Cain turn up at the Clarkes’ house, causing unexpected problems for Eve…

Hands down the funniest episode of the series to date, James Moran’s script takes an idea that has been examined on Star Trek: The Next Generation with Data and turns it into a comedy with some serious points at its heart. Poppy Lee Friar gets a chance to completely let loose, from her football chants after beating her friends at a video game to her song and dance routine to an evil robot moment – before revealing just how scared Eve is by the problems caused by her predictive software.

And it’s clear that Hoffman junior and Cain do present a threat, not just to Eve with their sonic screwdrivers… er, EMP devices, but to themselves, as the final scenes of the episode show. It’s an episode with only a few appearances by anyone outside the core teenagers – a brief Katherine/Nick moment that speaks volumes about their new relationship (and I’m still wondering why Nick has got Katherine in his office – I suppose it means he can keep an eye on her, but he’s not exactly getting any privacy), and a couple of brief but telling cameos by Mary Douglas and KT…

Verdict: One of my favourite episodes of the series to date. 9/10

Paul Simpson

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