Rose and Danni find a place with technology – but it comes at a price…

It feels very much as if this final story in the set by Helen Goldwyn is intended to wrap up the saga of the Dimension Cannon – certain things happen at the end that put Rose on the path she needs to find in order to get herself in place for series 4 – but there’s a lot to achieve before we get to that point. Goldwyn’s own beliefs about the interconnectedness of all things inform the script (and get mentioned twice with the same quote in the extras!) and it’ll be interesting to go back to the first two stories – particularly the second – in light of the information we gain as this one progresses.

Once again, there are some cracking scenes between Billie Piper’s Rose and those she deals with, as well as for Em Thane’s Danni – and remembering that this is a story told on a different world in the multiverse, there’s no reason why they can’t return as an alternate version somewhere down the line.

This is one of those ranges that I really thought, when it was first announced, would be slightly superfluous, but this last set in particular has had some of the best dramatic moments in recent Big Finish history – and although Billie Piper hints that more could be possible, I think this would be a perfect place to finish.

Verdict: With a strong supporting cast, and a well-created environment, this brings an excellent box set to a solid conclusion.  9/10

Paul Simpson

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