Courtney’s search for new members of the revitalised Justice Society of America leads her to two unexpected new candidates.

I wasn’t a major fan of how the last episode of Stargirl treated the whole core concept of slut-shaming with regards to Yolanda, but this week it seems to be on firmer ground again as it deals with a far more well-trodden theme – that of a person who isn’t necessarily worthy of inheriting a heroic mantle just because they were born to it.

We start with a little flashback showing us the original Hourman and his wife leaving their little boy with his uncle to be looked after as they flee into the night and inevitably meet their demise. Then fast forward to the modern day and that little boy isn’t anywhere near as adorable and his uncle resents his very existence for having ruined his life. It’s made clear too, that the relationship between them is an abusive one, both emotionally and physically.

When Courtney happens to notice Hourman’s hourglass making noise from her bag of tricks when in this boy’s presence, she resolves to recruit him. Just one issue – he’s not interested in the slightest. All he wants to do is be left alone with his anger. What that means is that when Courtney finally persuades him, it isn’t necessarily for the best of reasons, and it may well end up being a decision she lives to regret. Hourman’s odd power – that he can be super strong for just one hour in every twenty-four – is still potentially lethal in the wrong hands, as the young man’s actions immediately serve to demonstrate when first imbued with it.

Conversely, young Beth (who we may recall witnessed Courtney and Yolanda in costume outside the hospital last time out) proves herself to be absolutely the right person to inherit Dr Mid-Nite’s mantle (and goggles) but is absolutely the last person Courtney or Yolanda wants. This is a little clumsy in terms of its obviousness of contrast – chasing the person who shouldn’t have the power of a superhero while flat out rejecting the one who should. But Beth has proven not especially susceptible to hints or even outright refusal to engage, and there’s something about her wide-eyed, permanently chipper demeanour that has you rooting for her. My guess is that Courtney will come around to the idea too, and that will be to the benefit of the whole team.

Pat doesn’t get a lot to do here, besides looking confused and making the occasional connection – it isn’t until late in the episode when he makes a particular discovery that we get any sense of him having anything to do. As for the bad guys – well they’re up to bad stuff again, but exactly what it all means remains unclear, for now.

Verdict: A little heavy-handed in its messaging but enjoyable nonetheless. I can’t wait for the inevitable moment the owl flies straight to Beth and everyone gives her her superheroic due. 8/10

Greg D. Smith