Written by K. Perkins, Mellow Brown.

Art by Fernando Dagnino.

Creative Consultants Mike Johnson, Michael Green

Titan Comics, out now

Los Angeles 2009 and a Nexus 5 prototype has been ‘awakening’ some Replicants. Cal Moreaux’s trail to the slums of LA has uncovered an undesirable truth about his sister.

You may recall that I was a little down on issue #6 of this series last month, concerned that it had lost some of its focus. I’m pleased to confirm that #7 is a much stronger proposition, which takes a break from the main story and instead fills us in on some vital background information about the characters.

With motivations explained and a greater context within which the characters are operating, writers K. Perkins and Mellow Brown flesh out a key element that I was finding lacking and set things up well for Moreaux and company in the next issue.

Verdict: A necessary step back from the main narrative provides some vital background for the  plot. 7/10

Nick Joy