By Juan Ortiz

Titan, out now

An evocative set of posters for every episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation…

The 30th anniversary of TNG has been a little overshadowed by the arrival shortly of Star Trek: Discovery (although I wouldn’t say in the UK we’d exactly been inundated with trailers or any sort of push for the new show!), but if you’re only going to get one piece of merchandise tied in to that celebration, then make it this one. Juan Ortiz’s art for the original series was collected by Titan back in 2013, and he’s been continuing to produce thought-provoking and sometimes quite subtle art since – Google his animated series posters for another terrific set.

Once past a fascinating piece about the creation of the works, each of the 178 episodes of the show gets its own distinctive image. Some feature photos, others are far more symbolic, but each fastens on to a different part of the episode – its guest stars, or its theme – and brings it to the fore. Unlike the retro style of the original series posters, these are wide-ranging in their form, which adds to the high unpredictability of the collection.

Sure, there are going to be some that don’t necessarily appeal – either from the use of imagery, or because you don’t agree with the tack taken – but I would defy any TNG fan not to find plenty that will stick in the mind’s eye for a long time to come.

Verdict: A glorious art collection for any Star Trek fan. 10/10

Paul Simpson

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