The Doctor and Liv have been reunited with Helen – but can they fully trust her?

That question is at the heart of the second half of this sweet concoction from Matt Fitton which wraps up certain ongoing elements, but gives a much clearer indication of where this new quartet of box sets is going. The Ravenous sound an intriguing foe, and the decision by producer David Richardson and the team not to put the focus on them the whole time feels a wise one.

There’s some clever pairing throughout this story – in particular, giving Nicola Walker some great moments as Liv – and the scenes between the Doctor and Helen, particularly once she’s sensed the Time Lord’s wariness around her, are nicely pitched by Paul McGann and Hattie Morahan. Nicolas Rowe’s Kandyman and Mark Bonnar’s Eleven are as enticing as ever (with a lovely vocal throughback from the former to the character’s earlier appearance) and the Eleven remains one of the Doctor’s more capricious opponents thanks to his unique status.

Verdict: The Eighth Doctor’s Team TARDIS are finally reunited in a well told tale. 8/10

Paul Simpson