
Boyd and Kristi seek to capitalize on a new discovery…

I actually enjoyed this entry. The main reason was because we stopped and paused around the aftermath of the events of the previous episode. A dead monster, a lot of questions and some people on the very edge of complete collapse.

Plus there’s a bit of on the nose conspiracy theorising that feels more dangerous than anything the monsters can serve up. Perhaps something for the monsters to reflect on when they’re the second ranking threat in the room.

What was the difference? Characters talked to one another after weeks of not doing so, of blatantly avoiding conversations for no real reason. At last we had some discussion about what they’re actually experiencing.

Still no answers and still no progression but it does feel a little like we’re finally building towards something rather than just seeing slices of horrible lives from week to week. If I want that I’ve got misery-fests like the UK’s long running soap opera EastEnders to watch.

Verdict: I’m not really sure what we’re building towards – this episode takes place in the space of a single set of daylight hours so we don’t even see what the monsters think of the events discussed here. Nonetheless it was very watchable which, given all its flaws, is no mean feat. 7/10

Stewart Hotston