Rose and Clive find themselves on a world which doesn’t seem to have progressed beyond Tudor times – yet the Doctor is there…

AK Benedict’s instalment of Rose Tyler’s multiversal adventures has some great misdirection in it – at least as far as Rose herself is concerned; as listeners, we’re aware of how some of the future pans out, but that doesn’t mean there’s not scope for some continuity-shaking shenanigans! The worldbuilding is very neatly done, and there’s some excellent dialogue particularly in the interrogation scenes featuring Clive and the Assessor, with Mark Benton and Victoria Jeffrey sparkling as the tables reverse and reverse again.

There’s also more of a role for Camille Coduri this time, as a key figure in the society Clive and Rose meet is a variant of Jackie Tyler, with a quick bond developing between her and Billie Piper’s Rose. That’s put to the test by events, especially by the introduction of Hywel Morgan’s Richard Acres, and Benedict’s skill at detective fiction is put to good use in all the elements of the investigation of the murders (even if we’re in a world where Scotland Yard would be where you hung out your washing!).

The only downside, unfortunately, is elements of the sound design. What should be background chatter is rendered high in the mix to the extent you’re straining at times to hear what the foreground characters are saying. Given this happens more than once, it’s obviously a conscious choice, but one, to my ears, that really works to the detriment of the story.

Verdict: An intriguing set-up and great dialogue make this work well. 8/10

Paul Simpson

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