The 10th Doctor has an unexpected reunion…

“I didn’t expect that,” says one of the characters near the end of this first episode of the grand Dalek Universe saga and I have to agree with John Dorney’s own summary of his script. There are a lot of surprises all the way through the story, with the final one the icing on the cake.

Knowing there’s a large canvas on which this tale will be told – nine stories over the next three months – means that Dorney doesn’t have to try to cram everything into the opening hour, although when you look back at the end, you realise that a great deal has been established. We have an idea of what the stakes are, and at least some of the key players (although one in particular is conspicuous by their absence!). If you’re concerned that you need to have heard the Ann Kelso adventures, don’t worry – there’s enough exposition to explain the backstory between the Doctor and Anya Kingdom and Mark Seven.

The whole thing is tightly directed by Ken Bentley, with David Tennant, Jane Slavin and Joe Sims quickly establishing a rapport and Juliet Aubrey’s Malkin feeling a bit on the outside, deliberately. Howard Carter’s sound design and score are needle sharp – something that’s vital in this piece particularly given the nature of its storytelling.

Verdict: A hell of a fine start. 9/10

Paul Simpson

Click here to order Dalek Universe vol. 1 from Big Finish