River summons the Doctor to London 1912 – where gems are killing people…

Lizzie Hopley provides the second story in this special set of tales for the 10th Doctor towards the end of his life – travelling alone post-Donna, but not yet on the path that leads to his death and regeneration. He’s quieter than at some points, more contemplative, and he’s keen to solve at least some of the puzzles that have arisen in recent times – especially those relating to River Song.

This feels a little more plot-driven than the first story in the set, with River and the Doctor travelling through time to try to get to the root cause of the jewels’ destructive properties. However that doesn’t mean that Hopley ignores the interplay between the two, with an appropriate discussion of spoilers, and a hint as to the Doctor’s literary prowess – with the former applicable to the Time Lord’s discussion of potential fates without anything being particularly made of it.

It’s one of those occasions where it feels as if there’s a much bigger supporting cast than is actually the case, with the quartet of guest actors providing nearly a dozen named parts between them, each with very distinct personalities and characteristics. Once again, there’s a lot of work for Howard Carter’s sound design, and Nick Briggs allows the parallels in the story to come out rather than ramming them home with increased emphasis.

Verdict: An explosive combination in an explosive tale. 8/10

Paul Simpson

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