By Darren Jones

Read by Arthur Darvill

AudioGo, out now

With Amy at death’s door, the Doctor and Rory have to travel back through time to find a cure, without altering history…

The final story for the 11th Doctor, Amy and Rory rather redresses the balance between the two companions, given that it’s narrated in character as Rory by Arthur Darvill and Amy is flat on her back for a good part of the tale. It would work pretty well if it was read by someone else, but Darvill knows exactly where to place all the emphases, not just for his lines but those of the Doctor and Amy as well.

This is a sequel of sorts to The Eye of the Jungle, but you don’t need to have listened to that for this to make sense – all that’s necessary is communicated in the first few scenes. It’s a suitably timey-wimey tale that’s very different from its predecessor with some good dialogue and character moments which build from our knowledge of the relationship (and particularly some of the guilt) between the Doctor and Rory.

Verdict: A fast-paced adventure that sees the audio adventures of this team out in style. 7/10

Paul Simpson

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