Acorn Media International

The first three seasons of Shudder’s weekly TV version of the 1982 Stephen King and George A Romero horror portmanteau movie.

Regular visitors to this website will know how much I’ve enjoyed the episodes of Creepshow, all individually reviewed if you want to seek them out. Those without a subscription to Shudder now have the opportunity to join the party with these three individual sets from Acorn, boasting hi-definition transfers and special features.

Season 1’s 12 episodes feature horror royalty like Adrienne Barbeau, David Arquette, Jeffrey Combs and Tobin Bell, with audio commentaries on many of the episodes. Highlights include Grey Matter (from a story by King), The Finger (David Schow) and The Companion (Joe Lansdale)

Season 2’s cast includes Keifer Sutherland, Barbara Crampton, Ted Raimi and Keith David. Sutherland provides a voice for Survivor Type, an animated tale based on a story by Stephen King and Joe Hill, and there’s also a second animated special, behind-the-scenes featurettes and footage. Highlights are Public Television of the Dead, Within the Walls of Madness and Night of the Living Late Show.

Season 3’s guest stars include Mark Hamill, Michael Rooker and Danielle Harris. The extras are a panel from Comic-Con and some more raw footage. Highlights are Mums (Joe Hill) and a Dead Girl Named Sue.

Verdict: Grisly fun with fun guest stars and outrageous resolutions. 8/10

Nick Joy

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