The team attempt to break Rachel’s mom out of the asylum where she’s being held captive. It goes incredibly badly.

This is a step back down after the constant improvements of the three episodes that preceded it. It really is just ‘Everyone is tortured and unhappy in an asylum’ with a thoroughly unwelcome serving of ‘Dick is INCREDIBLY VIOLENT’ as a side dish. Although, in fairness, the closing Grayson vs  guards sequence is at least viewed with horror by his colleagues. Given that he straight up beats a guy with a spanner, that’s understandable.

Oh and then on Dick’s suggestion, Kory torches the entire asylum. With the staff inside.

Because it’s only murder if someone good is killed, right kids?

Seriously, all ‘Won’t someone think of the henchmen?’ gags aside, the team straight up kill at least a dozen people when that building goes up. And Dick looking sad and leaving his uniform in the flames doesn’t come close to cutting it as a reason. Plus, given how horrified Gar is about the fact he basically ate a man’s head earlier in the episode, his lack of response is not close to acceptable.

Other than that there are some nice hints about Rachel’s past and a welcome arrival in the form of Rachel Nichols who makes every show she’s in better. Plus the cast are all settling in nicely now.

Verdict: This is an empty violence machine of an episode, a note perfect cover version of one of the least interesting periods of Western comics. And that’s not a good thing. Still, the music’s nice. So there’s that. 2/10

Alasdair Stuart