Amy and Wolgast are rescued after their confrontation with vampire Winston, while Jonas is spending time with his wife who has been reprieved from Alzheimer’s but is on course to becoming a bloodsucker!

Oh how I really thought that after episode 5’s conclusion we’d be out of Project Noah for good, but it would appear that the producers want to use the standing sets a little longer as things get locked down again. Winston has escaped though and is starting to spread his disease in the wilderness – as witnessed by Wolgast’s wife, who has now been brought into the action in true soap opera tradition.

The bond between Dr Sykes and Shauna Babcock is given some context as we flashback six months to when the prisoner still hadn’t turned and the two spent an evening watching Cronenberg’s The Fly, eating pizza and comparing suicide tattoos. It does slow things down a little, but there’s some nice character moments.

But what continues to irritate is the ‘people acting dumb’ moments which still populate the narrative to enable it to move forwards. One moment Wolgast and Amy agree that she won’t reveal her super powers for fear of showing her hand, and the next she’s telling top baddie boss Horace Guilder (a slimy James LeGros) that she can see what Winston can!

Verdict: Apart from some discoveries around how the vampires are all connected, this filler episode only takes off when Amy and Wolgast are out in the field, the tension never really being sustained for more than a few minutes before some more clunky flashback drama puts on the brakes. 5/10

Nick Joy