Ben leaps into a television camera man/producer assisting a washed-up reporter who shies away from jumping back into the journalistic fray.

There are bunches of (real?) resolutions in this episode, and as Quantum Leap so often does, the team elevates what could be an unremarkable story thanks to good writing, a great cast, and nice directing. One quibble about the otherwise solid directing, the only thing keeping it from also being great is too many close-ups that linger too long.

This episode give us two corporate baddies: the one Ben is attempting to reveal to the public before people die, and the other that is trying to shut down the entire project back at Home Base. For the latter we get actor James Frain (whom I’m a big fan of) twirling his proverbial mustache so hard it’s a wonder he doesn’t break a finger.

Both plots hit all the clichés yet are elevated by the wonderful cast. It is not unexpected (hence I’m calling it a minor spoiler; that’s my story and I’m sticking to it) that Ben helps the reporter regain her edge and her dedication to reporting. Good story, well done, nothing new there. Actor Nadine Ellis is great at conveying her character’s total disillusionment and then renewed inspiration.

We also see the (final?) outcome of the on/off again between Addison and Tom. Peter Gadiot is – as always – wonderful in the role which could have ended up one-note and bland, but didn’t thanks to him. We get to see more of him on-duty instead of off, and the character remains one of integrity and empathy.

Which brings us to the ending, which I won’t spoil. There is an annoying but not surprising mention of Hannah and her husband. Regarding the resolution to the peril threatening the project itself: I admit to being really surprised. Upon a split-second’s reflection, however, I also feel like I should not have been. The best twists are those one doesn’t see coming, yet after the fact evoke the response of, of course!

Verdict: Still improving although still not quite back to its previous high standards yet. Can’t wait for next week’s. 8/10

Rigel Ailur