When the Protostar flies into a tachyon storm, it’s up to the crew to work together, even if they’re moving in different timeframes.

One of the ongoing pleasures of this Star Trek show that’s aimed at kids is its refusal to talk down to them. This week’s episode is built around the value of working together while also introducing the oft-used device of a time anomaly. But it’s executed so well here, with such clarity, that it puts many of its parent shows to shame.

The crew are still smarting from their botched first contact attempt last week and Janeway tries to rally the troops by getting them to undertake a teamwork exercise. It fails, with Dal then dropping the bombshell that the young cadets are in fact nothing but stowaway thieves. Add to that the activation of a Drednok clone in the Replicator and things look like they couldn’t get worse, but they do…

All the crew find themselves operating in different time streams, operating at different speeds. They’re all encouraged to play a role in bringing the ship back online, even if they have to drop what they’re doing because time runs out. Individually, it’s impossible, but as a team, handing over what they’ve learnt to Janeway, they overcome the odds.

Verdict: A vital message about the value of teamwork, a beautifully-executed time anomaly plot line, and some lovely character moments – this show continues to impress. 9/10

Nick Joy