Having stolen the next generation spore drive prototype, Booker and Tarka attempt to secure some materials to complete their weapon.

Picking up directly from the mid-season cliffhanger, where Booker and Tarka made their escape to create a weapon to destroy the DMA, President Rillak is furious that Burnham did not pick up indications that her lover had mutinous thoughts. The captain of the Discovery tries to atone, but is considered to be too close to be objective. Luckily, Admiral Vance see this closeness as an advantage and dispatches Michael and Lt Owosekun on a covert mission.

Michael and Book both converge on the same Isolinium dealer, who is happy to pit one side against the other in a cage fighting contest and a card game. And though the final outcome is not what Michael would have asked for, at least she has a clear directive to take things forwards. It’s a curious opener for the last part of the season, because cage fighting and card playing are hardly the stuff of Star Trek (Tsunkatse and TNG poker games aside) and this just feels like another stutter before the main narrative notches up a gear.

Verdict: Fine as far as it goes, but there’s no suggestion that Discovery has returned with any great urgency. 6/10

Nick Joy