Perry hates the war in which he’s caught up. It’s almost as if he shouldn’t be there at all…

The first Short Trip for 2018 amply demonstrates the strengths of the range, with writer Dan Starkey (best known for working on the other side of the microphone) showing his love for, and knowledge of the classic show; Nicola Bryant giving strong performances as Peri (the plural isn’t a typo); and director Lisa Bowerman creating multiple different atmospheres that ensure that the listener is always clear as to exactly where they are, even if the characters aren’t so sure.

Starkey has come up with a clever story that gives plenty of opportunities for both the Sixth Doctor and Peri, and uses the audio format and the potential ambiguity of homonyms to puzzle and engage the listener. There are moments of wry humour – notably a moment when Peri has to doggedly deal with a situation – as well as high drama. In one way it’s the sort of timey-wimey tale that we’ve had a lot of over the last decade, but it’s also very traditional: you can certainly see this working on screen.

Verdict: A very authentic experience indeed – and a great start to 2018 for the Short Trips range. 9/10

Paul Simpson