1. star-trek-beyond-dvdSome personnel questions to begin with.

Under Captain Kirk, who served as the Enterprise’s chief medical officer?

Leonard McCoy

What was the name of Captain Picard’s Klingon security officer?


On Deep Space Nine, the head of security was a changeling. What was his name?


On the starship Voyager, Captain Janeway’s first officer was a former Maquis commander. What was his name?


What is the name of Kirk’s Vulcan science officer? For a bonus mark, what was the name of the Vulcan sub-commander who served under Captain Jonathan Archer?




  1. During the starship Voyager’s extended mission in the Delta Quadrant, it took on a human crewmember who had previously been assimilated by The Borg. She was known as Seven of Nine. What was her full Borg designation and, for an extra mark, what was her human Name?

Seven of Nine, tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One Annika Hansen


  1. In the events depicted in the mission log Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (and indeed The Original Series episode Space Seed), the genetically modified human, Khan Noonien Singh is deliberately marooned on a distant planet. What was the name of that planet and, for a bonus mark, what was the name of Khan’s ship.

Ceti Alpha V

SS Botany Bay


  1. Engineer Montgomery Scott once made reference to a transporter incident and Admiral Archer’s prize beagle. He was of course referring to Jonathan Archer, captain of the first Enterprise. What was the name of said beagle? For a bonus point, what was the name of Commander Data’s pet cat?




  1. Starfleet accepts cadets from many different worlds and races. Among them are the Vulcans, who are characterised by their adherence to pure logic. A Vulcan undergoes a specific ritual to purge his or herself of all emotion. By what name is this ritual known? For two possible bonus marks, what is the colour of Vulcan blood and what is the name of the event occurring every seven years in a Vulcan’s life, where they are consumed by sexual desire?



Pon farr


  1. During his time as captain of the Enterprise. James T. Kirk was embroiled in a Klingon civil war (as depicted in the mission log Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country). To which penal asteroid were he and Medical Officer Leonard McCoy sentenced to hard labour? And, for a bonus mark, please name the Klingon homeworld.

Rura Penthe

Qo’noS (pronounced Kronos)


  1. Arguably the most important date in Earth history was when a Vulcan survey ship, the T’Plana-Hath, initiated first contact with humanity at Bozeman, Montana on Earth. On what date did this historic event take place For a bonus mark, what was the name of the human who represented Earth at this meeting.

5 April 2063 (hot fact: it was chosen as 5 April is screenwriter Ronald D. Moore’s son’s birthday).

Dr. Zefram Cochrane


  1. 8. In the entirely factual mission log Star Trek Beyond, Enterprise captain James T. Kirk encounters an ancient xenoarchaeological weapon created by a race known only as The Ancient Ones, which ultimately falls into the hands of a hostile lifeform named Krall. Tell me please, what was the name of this weapon? For two possible bonus point tell me the name of the planet upon which the weapon was constructed and Krall’s true name.

The Abronath


Balthazar Edison.


  1. Also during that particular mission, Captain Kirk encounters an alien known as Jaylah. Having made her home in the wreckage of the USS Franklin, she became acquainted with the Franklin’s datastores, in particular its access to classical Earth music. During the course of the mission she selected two of these songs, which she colloquially referred to as “beats and shouting”. Name for me please the titles and artists of each track.

Fight The Power – Public Enemy

Sabotage – Beastie Boys


  1. In 24th century Starfleet uniforms, what rank is denoted by three collar pips, two being gold and one being black with gold outline or ‘hollow’?

Lieutenant Commander.


  1. The Federation outpost designated Deep Space Nine, situated near the mouth of the Bajoran wormhole, is one of Starfleet’s most strategically important assets. It was originally a Cardassian station, what was its Cardassian designation? For a second mark, what part of the galaxy does the Bajoran wormhole lead to?

Terok Nor

The Gamma Quadrant


  1. Starfleet has long employed a controversial no-win scenario as part of its training curriculum, the objective being to assess cadets’ discipline, character and composure in the face of insurmountable odds For a total of 3 possible marks, please tell me the following: What is the name of the test? The Kobayashi Maru.

What is the nature of the attacking threat? Klingon warbirds/battle cruisers.

How did Captain James T. Kirk fare on the test? He reprogrammed the simulator so he could save the ship (he cheated).


  1. In the mission log Star Trek Into Darkness, The Enterprise was damaged by an experimental Starfleet warship under the command of a rogue Starfleet officer. For three possible marks, what was the name of that officer, what was the name of his ship and what was its class?

Admiral Alexander Marcus

The USS Vengeance

Dreadnaught class


  1. In Starfleet’s history seven ships have had the honour of bearing the name Enterprise. List for me please their full registration numbers, their classes and their captains. One mark for each correct item.

NX-01 (NX Class) – Captain Jonathan Archer

NCC-1701 (Constitution Class) – Any one of: Captain Christopher Pike/James T. Kirk/Robert April

NCC-1701A (Constitution Class) – Captain James T. Kirk

NCC-1701B (Excelsior Class) – John Harriman

NCC-1701C (Ambassador Class) – Rachel Garrett

NCC-1701D (Galaxy Class) – Jean-Luc Picard

NCC-1701E (Sovereign Class) – Jean-Luc Picard

Also accept:

NCC-1701J (Universe Class), which appears in the Azati Prime episode of Enterprise as a 26th century vessel.