Zoe tries to solve a puzzle…

Penelope Faith’s two-hander for Wendy Padbury’s Zoe and Richard Unwin’s Tom Waugh is very different from the standard 2nd Doctor adventure, and often has the feel of a stage drama, as Zoe tries to help Tom (or is he Thomas or Tommy?) to fulfil his mission. Is he a soldier? Is he an actor playing a soldier? Is she helping or hindering by stepping into the scenarios that are created and playing a subordinate or superior role as required?

I suspect this would have benefitted from being a single episode, rather than there being an almost-Kinda-esque cliffhanger midway through (we’re already over 35 minutes into the story at that point!). Nigel Fairs gives both actors plenty of breathing space – there’s a poignant moment for Padbury at the resolution, in particular – and while no doubt it could have been tightened further, allowing the story to proceed at this pace means we become as invested in Zoe in finding the answers.

The box set overall is widely varied in tone, allowing us to see different sides to the companions: the range may have started as a way to tell stories featuring Doctors and companions whose original portrayers are no longer with us, but it’s become an opportunity to shine a spotlight on unusual facets.

Verdict: An unusual tale to wrap up this venture into Doctor Who’s monochrome days. 7/10

Paul Simpson

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