Warner Bros, out now

After discovering a mysterious treasure map, a group of friends find themselves being chased by a family of fugitives through an underground realm full of twisting passages and booby traps.

Hey, you guys, your relationship with Richard Donner’s 1985 adventure romp, based on a story by Steven Spielberg, will largely depend on your age when you first saw it. I assume that if you were of a similar age of the one of the leads, it would serve as ultimate wish-fulfilment – kids doing cool things and cursing a fair amount – while battling baddies and finding pirate treasure. Or, as in my case, this didn’t appeal to an older teenager who had moved onto more adult fare.

Unfortunately, the occasionally ripe dialogue and poorly-considered mock hanging scene mean that the movie is saddled with a 12 certificate, excluding a portion of the audience that would probably appreciate it. My suspicion is that most of the people picking up this colourful UHD 4K release are not in their teens, but rather trading up a beloved childhood relic into the best available format.

The BluRay disc includes a commentary by Superman director Donner and other cast members, a ‘making of’ featurette, Cyndi Lauder music video, deleted scenes and trailer. But there’s no new content for this 4K edition.

Verdict: A bunch of annoying brats shouting at one another, a touchstone of your childhood, or something in-between, this cult favourite has never looked sharper. 7/10

Nick Joy

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