Clarice Starling and the team are deployed to Tennessee where the FBI is laying siege against a fringe militia group called, The Statesmen.

The Silence of the Lambs spin-off dials back the movie/book references this week in a story that also has no serial killer connections, making it a regular FBI procedural. Whether this is a one-off or an indication of the direction of future episodes is to be seen.

Right from the outset, Krendler makes it clear that once this drama is over he’ll be requesting Clarice’s removal from the task force. Their mission is to tackle a standoff between local law enforcement and a militia group following the shooting of an ATF officer.

Outside the perimeter, Clarice strikes up a conversation with a child, his presence making the situation a greater worry for the authorities – they don’t want another Waco. And then the group’s leader Lucas Novak (Tim Guinea, NOS4A2) agrees to open up talks, but only with the prolific Starling. There’s an unnerving sense of tension as Clarice enters the lion’s den, a number of revelations twisting the focus away from the obvious suspects.

The greatest takeaway from this instalment is the development of the relationship between Clarice and agent Tomas Esquivel (Lucca De Oliveira, The Punisher). Right from the off he’s said that he has her back, and this week he has the opportunity to prove it. Maybe Clarice has to meet her new team mates halfway, and even Krendler softens his opinions by the end.

Verdict: Unlikely to be a key episode in this opening season, we get to see the FBI at work and the growth of relationships within the team. 7/10

Nick Joy