class-108-13Corakinus makes his move – and not everyone will survive…

The final episode of the first season of Class won’t disappoint those who have enjoyed and stuck with the series to date: many of the threads, both in terms of the science fiction elements and the emotional, are drawn together, giving each of our lead characters (both human and alien, teen and adult) some strong moments. There are some shocks and revelations that will alter how you look at the series as a whole – I suspect there’ll be more than one person who will go back and rewatch it in a new light after Saturday.

While we get answers to some questions, there’s still plenty for a future season to deal with – or potentially an episode of the main show (in much the same way, although hopefully done better, that loose ends from Millennium were tied up on The X-Files) if things don’t pan out and Class becomes a one-season wonder. The relationships between the group are fundamentally changed by events, and there’s at least one unusual pairing that you’ll wish had happened a lot earlier because it’s so much fun to see in action.

There are many aspects of this episode that you don’t want spoiled, which I will discuss in a spoiler-filled review of the season early next week to give people a chance to download and watch this; it certainly feels like the production team have gone for broke with this finale – and I suspect it’ll leave you wanting more.

Verdict: Class ends its first year on a high note, dramatically and emotionally. 8/10

Paul Simpson