Justice is served, both vampirically and also in small claims court.

Two similar plots run in parallel as both ancient vampiric law and modern small claims justice are served in the presence of our Staten Island vampires.

Nadja and Nandor are excited to be presiding over the Ceremony of Judgement, a tribunal where anything and everything goes for vampire offenders. Unbeknownst to them, Guillermo is pulling the strings on the event, influencing the gullible vampires, and at one point has to step in to save his former vigilante colleague Derek from a death sentence.

Meanwhile, Laszlo and Colin are attending Sean’s ‘boys’ night’ and discover that their neighbour has been taken in by a pyramid scheme for selling pillows, and is due in court for his debts. Surely Laszlo as his brief will be able to get him off?

Verdict: More amusing than hilarious, this isn’t this season’s strongest instalment but reveals interesting parallels between the human and vampire worlds. 7/10

Nick Joy