A threat from the old days of UNIT rears its head – so who better to tackle it than Jo Grant Jones, former Captain Mike Yates and good old dependable Warrant Officer Benton?

With two of the three surviving members of the “UNIT family” making regular appearances across the Big Finish ranges over the years, it’s not too surprising that we finally get a proper return for Jo, Mike and Benton, alongside their current day counterparts. It’s not something that I can see the television series doing any time soon, but the audio adventures are the perfect place for it.

The set kicks off with Matt Fitton’s Call to Arms, which sees retiring pub owner John Benton’s farewell do interrupted by the arrival of Kate Stewart and Osgood who have been investigating a nearby Silurian nest. Things haven’t exactly gone according to plan, and the two modern-day UNIT personnel need some assistance from Benton and a visiting Mike Yates. It’s a twist on the “base under siege” idea – a pub not necessarily bristling with all the weaponry that you might need to deal with some homicidal Earth reptiles bent on your destruction – but former Warrant Officer Benton (now usually referred to as Sergeant rather than “Mr” as befits his rank!) has one or two tricks up his sleeve courtesy of his UNIT days and his relationship with the Brigadier that help save the day. It’s a strong starter that reminds us just how competent Yates and Benton still are.

Katy Manning and Ingrid Oliver take centre stage for the second story, Guy Adams’ Tidal Wave, which puts Jo Jones back alongside UNIT’s scientific adviser, who even adopts an appropriate outfit for the occasion (as modelled on the CD cover). They find themselves face to face with the Sea Devils, played by Nick Briggs, with Jo determined to honour the Doctor that she loved by trying to ensure that what he tried to make happen in The Sea Devils comes to pass. Adams takes the updated Jo that Russell T Davies created for the Sarah Jane Adventures and runs with it, giving Manning some very powerful moments – as well as penning scenes that allow Oliver and Manning to show strong chemistry.

Adams is the writer for the third tale as well, which focuses purely on the current UNIT members. It’s a very tense episode, with Jemma Redgrave, Oliver and Warren Brown all put through the wringer, alongside a great performance from guest star Neve McIntosh. Redgrave has occasionally sounded a little stilted in the previous audios, but this is her most assured rendition of Kate in this format.

Fitton returns for the finale, United (a pun that just had to be made somewhere in the proceedings). It’s a truly ensemble piece, using old and new UNIT members to best advantage, and throwing up some truly amazing “visuals”.

Richard Hope makes a fitting foe across the four stories, reminding me at times of Steven Berkoff’s character (and even the performance) in the 1983 Bond film Octopussy – someone devoted to the old ways, feared even by those meant to be his allies. McIntosh is no stranger to playing different Silurians, and makes her character here very distinct. Ken Bentley’s direction and Howard Carter’s sound design and music mesh well together, meaning that the four hours of this set race by.

Verdict: A great return for Homo reptilia (or whatever their name is)! 10/10

Paul SImpson