Lizzie and Ethan think they may have found a way to defeat the Headmaster…

Our two heroes take a few steps forwards, but then a number backwards as they start to understand the Headmaster’s powers – or at least, they think they do. The problem is that they are still, to an extent, playing a game of draughts while the Headmaster is playing four-dimensional chess, and it seems he has a very good idea of what’s going on from the start. If he is taken by surprise by their actions at the science fair, then he makes a startlingly good recovery – and uses it to tighten his grip on the school, as the closing motto underlines.

There’s some nice development of Lizzie’s family in this episode, as well as the relationship between Lizzie and Sophie – what appears to be a weakness in Lizzie’s mother could well turn out to be a strength in the battle against the Headmaster, while Sophie (like, to an extent, Lizzie’s brother Tyler) has ‘drunk the kool-aid’ and has no interest in returning to her former existence.

Verdict: A little knowledge may be a dangerous thing – but Lizzie and Ethan are in this for the long haul, as are the viewers. 8/10

Paul Simpson