The TARDIS deposits the Doctor, Yaz and Dan in the Crimean War – but the British are no longer facing the Russians…

This hour-long episode – which was a nice surprise for a mid-season instalment – really makes we wonder why we’ve had to wait so long for this sort of Doctor Who story to make an appearance. The Doctor is trying to be proactive, Yaz and Dan are sent on their own strands which tie back in together by the end of the episode, there’s very good use of an old foe (this is one of the best Sontaran stories the TV series has done), a historical personage is involved in a way that suits both their character and the storyline, ongoing threats make their presence felt, and there’s humour that (mostly) works.

We’ve still got the odd bit that seems out of place at present (although there’s obviously a link between the Liverpool tunnels and the Planet Time), and some of the plotlines set up last week are simply ignored this time around. But Segun Akinola’s score is as full blooded as it needs to be – this isn’t the sort of story that requires minimalism – and the effects are much stronger than last time out (bar Karvanista and Dan’s exit from the ship!). There’s strong guest performances from those cast as humans and Sontarans – I’m glad in amongst the Linx-type leaders, there’s still a place for the Dan Starkey Sontarans!

Verdict: More of a standalone feel to this enjoyable tale. 8/10

Paul Simpson