Someone is kidnapping people from the streets – someone who can leap tall buildings at a single bound…

Gemma Arrowsmith’s Big Finish debut shines the spotlight more on Catrin Stewart’s Jenny than has been the case for the majority of this set – Jenny takes a dislike to a reporter from the Illustrated Police News and is on her back throughout this tale that uses an idea from folklore as its basis. There are certain resemblances to a mid-period Matt Smith tale which make the reveal and indeed elements of the denouement a little less out of left field as they might otherwise have been, but the character interplay keeps you from thinking about that too much.

There’s still plenty to keep Vastra and Strax occupied – the latter engaging in Cockernee banters once more, much to the bemusement of the English language – and there are some more hints about the overarching theme of these box sets. We’ve not had an appearance this set from the ‘other’ trio whom we met last time, but I suspect that we will realise once we get to the end of this arc that various clues have been seeded in these stories that we’ve overlooked.

Verdict: An enjoyable hour with the Gang. 7/10

Paul Simpson

Click here to order Heritage 2 from Big FInish