The group make for the lab, hoping for help…

I’m in two minds about one of the key points in this episode, the introduction of the “cute” dinosaur who befriends Ben (and vice versa). It certainly helps in bringing the teenager out of himself – at long last he stands up to the others – and Sean Giambrone imbues him with some backbone verbally as well; but cute pet? It feels at odds with the other parts of the franchise, and the way that this series has done such a good job to date of wrapping itself around the events of Jurassic World. I’m hoping that we get something a tad more scientific… OK, yes, I know. It’s Jurassic Park, so those hopes are likely not to be met!

Otherwise, things are speeding up, as Dave and Roxie realise just what state the park is now in, and the teenagers find that even when they’ve located an adult, their problems aren’t over. It’s a Jurassic Park trope/cliché that the unpleasant human being is going to get munched in a vehicle, and we get that here. We also get some bonding between Brooklynn and Sammy… but as the end of the episode indicates, that’s not going to last.

Verdict: I’m beginning to wonder if all our teens will make it out alive – how far will DreamWorks/Netflix go?  8/10

Paul Simpson