Ben and Saanvi work together on a calling that takes a surprising turn. Olive and TJ become closer as they do a little more digging into the background of the mysterious tarot card. Zeke’s past catching up with him has Michaela taking some risks.

Last we saw, Ben and Saanvi weren’t on the best of terms. However, when Ben has to intervene to save Saanvi’s life as she continues to recklessly experiment on herself in search of a cure for the genetic anomaly, they are both pushed to a realisation that the call which brought him to her in time wasn’t necessarily what he thought it was. Investigating further together they find a passenger who doesn’t resemble the one they saw in the vision, but who is intimately tied into what the calling is driving them on to. It’s another clever use of the show’s core conceit, and explores several human angles as it unfolds.

Olive and TJ, meanwhile, are doing their own detective work as they try to track down information about the tarot card Olive was given all those years ago. TJ of course is still haunted by the knowledge of the impending death date, and what starts out as Olive trying to distract him leads the pair of them down a whole new rabbit hole that has stunning implications for the passengers of 828 and the whole experience they have suffered. Also driving this new closeness between the two is Ben’s having had Olive banned from the Church, and her evident crush on TJ. It’s nice to see Olive get something to do other than sort of huff on the sidelines as interesting stuff happens to everyone else.

Michaela has serious issues of her own, as her boyfriend’s druggie ex brings her own brand of drama into their lives. When her old dealer catches up with her, Michaela is determined to do whatever she can to help Zeke ‘make amends’ by helping Courtney out, but that involves her sticking her own neck way out and trusting a lot in her new partner, who is being gently and unhelpfully taunted from the sidelines by Jared.

Speaking of whom, I admire the way that the show has committed to consequences with regards to Jared in terms of how he views Michaela now she’s ‘betrayed’ him, although what confuses me is that, given he keeps telling everyone how she ‘threw him under the bus’ career wise, and given that she did reveal he’d done some pretty shady stuff at Zeke’s appeal hearing, he still seems to have his job and be working as normal. The only difference is that he now hangs out in a dive bar with questionable people, and I’m sure that won’t blow up in his face anytime soon…

Verdict: Another neat little twist on the callings and what they do, and plenty of interesting stuff going on elsewhere. Solid, if not amazing by the standard of the show. 8/10

Greg D. Smith