Not for all the hot leaf drink in the most eastern land patch.

Or at least I think that’s how they might say ‘not for all the tea in China’ on the Strange Planet.

Not for anything, in fact, would I go back to my teenage years. Nevertheless that’s where we head this week as we vicariously relive the devastating emotional rollercoaster that is a falling-out with our high school bestie. Throw in enforced teamwork by way of a punishment and you have a significant proportion of adolescent trauma represented in one neatly packaged half-hour episode. ‘Limbshaking’ for dancing? Yes it’s absurd but aren’t we all, just a little bit?

It’s so strange to see this from the outside. As vividly as this instalment may call to mind events from our own youth, at the same time it’s funny and will evoke nostalgia too. Plus a comforting blanket of narrative fluffiness as our relatable beings resolve their differences.

Verdict: Team work makes the dream work, beings. 8/10

Claire Smith