A perfectly solid, serviceable episode this week suffers in comparison to last week’s.

Last week’s Blood & Treasure delivered two surprises done exceptionally well. This week, alas, the opposite holds true.

The show again gives us two major surprises, or attempts to. One lands – with a thud – squarely in the category of ‘no surprise at all’. The other – at the opposite end of the spectrum – evokes such a resounding, mind-boggling ‘huh????” that I fervently hope the show immediately follows up on it next week. If and/or how they proceed will determine whether or not the twist makes any sense at all. It might pay off big time – or not. Hopefully they will pull a brilliant rabbit out of the proverbial hat.

As previously noted, Danny and Lexi’s personal journey constitutes the foundation of Blood & Treasure. They continue to make progress, yet this week lacks all wit, sparkle, or charm. A manufactured rivalry between Lexi and Kate comes off as awkward and even juvenile. A conversation about yin and yang just doesn’t work the way earlier discussions conveyed the same point with far more naturalness and skill.

Points for Shaw’s return. No points for Chuck’s absence, but no doubt we’ll catch up with him soon – preferably immediately, as in next week – in Rome. Shaw and Kate share a nice scene that opens up some potential opportunities for him.

Overall, the episode hits all the beats and moves the various plotlines forward. Yet the series has consistently set the bar so high before that “The Throne of Khan” falls a bit flat. Not every pass results in a touchdown. This week’s throw moves the ball up the field, but falls short of scoring.

Verdict: The episode feels rote. “Solid” for a lesser series comes off as less than inspired for this one.  7/10

Rigel Ailur