A team of scientists discover a new highly intelligent species that may endanger more than their research.

Written by The X Files’ Glen Morgan, this episode promises something very special but ultimately proves to be a regular ‘base in peril’ runaround with some gooey effects and a cool high concept premise.

It’s month 4 of 6, and a US/Chinese crew studying ice are studying ice at the Antarctic. But as soon becomes clear, there’s a mistrust between the nations, and what they’re actually covertly looking at is an advanced underwater species, albeit for different reasons. It’s not long before two members of the crew have been dragged into the icy depths and some dextrous CGI octopus tentacles are entering the base.

One scene features a crew member having their eye pulled out by suckers, and it really is as gross as that sounds. At least when you chop off a tentacle they don’t spray acid blood, but pretty much every other trick from the Alien playbook is brought into play. When each side confesses what they are actually up, and we discover that they have both been played by the underwater power, it’s a nice idea, but may stretch your patience.

Verdict: We’ve seen this all before in everything from Alien to The Thing to The Abyss to Leviathan to Life… you get the picture. The Lovecraftian twist is fun, but you have tread some well-trodden water to get there. 6/10

Nick Joy