The end is here and the only thing that can save the day is… a theme park!

Good Lord this show. In any other season of any other show Ray Palmer and Vandal Savage playing Giant Jenga in Hell would be a climactic beat. Here? It’s basically Tuesday.

The show piles goofy on horrific on tragic on courageous to create a story that wraps everything in the season up in a flaming bow. We get an exploration of just how much Ray and Nate love one another (completely), we get a delightful Vandal Savage cameo, Nora being just disgusted at being a fairy godmother, Nate’s heroic sacrifice and then a moment that will absolutely break your heart in the best way.

Nate dies. Nate meets his dad and they finally make their peace and it just wrecks you. The moment where Nate chokes out how much he missed his father is touching. The moment where Hank explains he always had faith in his son and his friends wrecks you even more. Aaaaaand then Hank’s ghost leads everyone, monsters, Legends and audience alike, in a James Taylor singalong. That then builds into a literal ‘everyone joins hands and sings Nate back to life’ moment. The show, of course, comments on it (‘Didn’t they do this last year?’) and by that stage the tears are streaming down your face. It is a critical mass of hokey. It’s a singularity of schmaltz. And just as you realize that, the show twists the knife.

They changed the past. And the future. And Zari’s gone.

Oh and back in Hell, Astra makes a plot withdrawal for next season, taking the soul markers for some of the worst humans in history back to Earth…

So in the space of five minutes the show breaks your heart, makes you laugh, breaks your heart again and sets up next year in a way that confirms Constantine has to be back (yay!) and Zari will be very different (cautious yay!).

Verdict: It’s ridiculous and ebullient. It’s massive hearted and dripping with schmaltz. It’s Legends of Tomorrow at its finest. Bring on next year. 10/10

Alasdair Stuart