Captain Burnham is trapped within a mindscape designed to test her worthiness to retrieve the Progenitor’s powerful technology.

Another strong episode in the final act of Discovery’s last season, proving that the Breen truly are the most despicable race in the quadrant, even if they look like castoffs from Daft Punk, and every time their leader’s name is mentioned – Primarch – I can’t help thinking about the budget clothes retailer!

Hidden within the Badlands is the Eternal Gallery and Archive – an impressive exterior visual effect and interior set – where the final Progenitor clue is hidden. Michael leads an away team and becomes plugged in to the network, where she is forced to complete the final test. Unfortunately, the Breen are hot on their tail, Moll having convinced them that once they have the Progenitor tech, they can resurrect L’ak.

There’s some exciting moments as the Discovery crew address the Breen’s shield-tunnelling capabilities, and the resolution of the clue itself, which is in keeping with what has gone before.

Verdict: Maintaining the high quality established in the previous episode, this is another satisfying development of the season’s story arc. 8/10

Nick Joy